Category: Teaching Inspiration

Watch a Video Demonstration of our Disney KIT

A warm, lighthearted attitude AND music that speaks to the student’s interest! These can dissolve even challenging concepts and passages. Watch student Serena’s eyes light up in this teaching demonstration by Theresa Cheng. She is using sharable slides from the Disney KIT, a simple but powerful digital bundle for the nine songs of PreTime Disney. […]

Performance! A Primer Ensemble Performance!

What memories shine from childhood piano lessons? Graduating to a higher level? A smile from a gracious teacher on a day your heart felt rainy? Or, how about an ensemble piece that includes a drum part? Such occasions can affirm for the student—”music is for me!” Today we offer an ensemble performance of “Come See the […]


Teach and Learn with ACE

To the student, Piano Adventures implies an exciting exploration. To the teacher, Piano Adventures implies a philosophy and mission to develop the student’s musical mind and heart. The process of guiding a young person to develop the mind (intellect) and the heart (expression) can help form valuable life skills: confidence, curiosity, discipline, self-esteem, sensitivity to nuance, […]